
Monday, March 24, 2008

Viagra ‘The Miracle drug’

The Phosphodiesterase group of medicines (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis etc.) are a major step forward in the management of this important quality of life issue. These medicines are commonly associated with minor side-effects like, nasal stuffiness, facial flushing, heart burn. People with heart problems should have a frank discussion with their doctor before trying the medicine.
There is evidence that if the first dose doesn’t work still the subsequent dose might, so no need to despair!
It is becoming more and more recognised that a proportion of aging population has low testosterone levels, which are also contributing to the erectile dysfunction and improving the testosterone levels can improve their wellbeing and also increase chances of effectiveness of the Phosphodiesterase group (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis etc.).

Friday, March 21, 2008

Male infirtility

Irrespective of gender the dream of having one's own children is shared by many. The first test test usually requested by GP for male fertility evaluation is Semen Analysis ( examination under microscope of material ejaculated from the penis). The aim is to basically see whether the semen has sperms (besides some other features to ascertain the health of the semen).
If there are no sperms in the semen then either testis are not producing any sperms or the conduction mechanism i.e. the tube from testicles to the urethra is blocked.
The 'testicular biopsy' is commonly used operation to differentiate between the two. If facilities are availible then cryopreservation can be performed at the same time.
In case of obstruction being the cause of absence of sperms, srgical procedure to bipass the operation or direct retrieval of sperms from the testis through a variety of techniques is possible.
In patients with testicular biopsy failing to show any sperms, multiple biopsies might identify an island of sperm genesis.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

kidney stones, the boulder in water

Kidney stones are a common urological problem encountered. the kidney stones can lead to a rather interesting course of complete silence with sudden symptoms usually severe excruciating pain (thought to be more severe than child berth!), nausea and vomiting. The kidney stones can pass spontaneously from kidney into the bladder leading resolution of pain but there is an inverse relation between the stone size and it's chance of being passed spontaneously.
the stone formation in the kidneys is a complex process and in simplest terms it can be due to increased concentration of constituents to an extent where they start sedimenting thus laying the foundation of stone formation or the constituent cannot be dissolved in the urine due to any reason and settles down. some stones can be seen on x-ray while other can't.
ways to treat the stones can be divided to non oprative and operative means.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Waterworks and the enlarged prostate

As the hair turn grey the water works can also become an issue. many a people consider prostate enlargement to be the cause. Prostate gland sits at the opening of the bladder and encircles the urethra. the prostatic enlargement can lead to compression of urethra thus compelling the bladder to work harder to push the urine through the tube ( urethra). with time due to slowly increasing obstruction the bladder becomes thicker with increase in its muscle bulk but there is a limit to the extent of force the muscles can generate and then there is the stage of progressive failure of bladder to empty completely and ultimately the bladder can fail completely perform the function of emptying itself (urinary retention needing a catheter in the bladder.
The treatment of urinary symptoms is directed at sorting the patient complaints to prevent a negative impact on one's quality of life. Not every patient with prostate enlargement will have urinary problems and vice versa.
The treatment of urinary symptoms due prostate can vary from just reassurance to tablets or even an Operation.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Erectile dysfunction: the surgical solution

Erectile dysfunction is a major male quality of life issue. the surgical solution of erectile dysfunction is either semi-rigid or inflatable penile prosthesis. It has to be appriciated that the prosthesis which ever type it may be, only provides mechanical means to have penetrative intercourse. the sensations might not be the same as it used to be with spontaneous or sexually stimulated erection. there is usually some loss of length. better understanding of the device that is to be implanted with reasonable expections of the outcome improve the overall satisfaction with this intervention